New Zealand Hobbit Homes. New Zealand's hugely popular Hobbit attraction, Hobbiton is an outdoor movie set. They quickly realised that the Hobbits™ had found a home.
Shire-Inspired: 19 Hobbit Homes Worthy of Bag End (Chad Yates)
New Zealand Has a Real-Life Version of Middle Earth You Can Visit Called "Hobbiton". Remember how Gandalf hit his the director actually built one for himself in the basement of his New Zealand mansion based on the digitally engineered interiors of Bilbo Baggins' home. Hobbit Pub is located in Hobbiton (Matamata), New Zealand. - A cute hobbit home called Le Troglo situated in Eastman, Quebec.
An eye-catching Hobbit home on wheels is up for grabs in the South Island.
The Hobbiton Movie Set was a significant location used for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy and The Hobbit film trilogy.
14 Spectacular "Hobbit Houses" You Can Actually Stay ...
Hobbit Homes – The Owner-Builder Network
Real-life hobbit homes that put The Shire to shame ...
Hobbiton is a Real Place in New Zealand. This is What it ...
Four Day Trips - and Hobbit Houses - From Auckland, New ...
Hobbit Homes – The Owner-Builder Network
7 'Hobbit Homes' around the world | From the Grapevine
Hobbit Houses | Caelum Et Terra
Visit Hobbiton: the Hobbit homes in New-Zealand | Tips ...
Even though the hobbit holes here are just facades (the interior sets were all shot on a sound stage in Wellington), the details New Zealand for me is like Africa for you - no matter how many times I've been, I always want to go back! Hobbit Pub is located in Hobbiton (Matamata), New Zealand. - A cute hobbit home called Le Troglo situated in Eastman, Quebec. For those whose hearts belong forever in the Shire, there's a place they can go to celebrate the iconic The Lord of the Ring and The Hobbit trilogies.